Interstate Massage Compact

For many years, the massage profession has been working towards a system that permits Licensed Massage Therapists to transfer between states without significant work, expense, time, and sometimes, extra education. The Interstate Massage Compact is the first significantly organized attempt to organize this benefit. The Washington State Massage Therapy Association has a thorough review of this on their website at the following link. We believe that this is the most comprehensive overview of the proposal and it is worthwhile to review this even if you have no plans to ever move. The WSMTA also has a section on their position regarding Washington State participating in the compact.

While the current proposed compact is not perfect, it is a good starting place for something that is long overdue. You can review all of the information on the compact at the following link: 1.

Please consider supporting the WSMTA with membership. They are our state's most active massage organization and provide a valuable service to Washington State Massage Therapists.

Our next blog will review the Massage Therapy Body of Knowledge. What is it, and why it is time for an update to this document.


Infectious Disease Policy Update


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